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Category: APS center
Improving Lansing’s French Community : The 3-Minute Survey
This survey was designed to assess the overall interest of French culture and language programs in the Lansing area in order to refine our initiatives. Whether you’re a past student, current student or just interested in our programs, please take it so that I can get good sense of what I could be doing to improve Aux Petits Soins™.
And after taking the survey, please share it with your family/friends in the area. I’m hoping to get as large a sample size as possible.
Create your perfect APS summer schedule!
The 2019 #APSAprilFool Contest is ON!
Who will you prank this year? We can’t wait to see all your pictures.
More information available here.
Enrollment is now open!

The 2019 Aux Petits Soins™ Spring session will run April 8 through June 30. As always, we will offer language immersion programs for kids 0-12 and adults as well as cultural events.
• Language Immersion programs for kids
• Language Immersion program for adult
• Cultural events
It’s a snow day!

Due to the extreme cold weather and hazardous conditions, Aux Petits Soins™ will be closed on January 30 and 31.
Try Aux Petits Soins™ for FREE!
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This week, Aux Petits Soins™ will offer a special opportunity for new and returning students. For any classes that have at least one opening, we will allow existing students to bring a friend/relative for free.
Additionally, if any parents are curious about the program but want to see how their child responds to one of our classes, we are also allowing potential new students to try a class for free.
Looking ahead, the next 12-week session will start on Jan. 7, 2019. The winter session will be composed of four themes: Bonjour Mr L’Hiver, J’aime la galette, C’est la chandeleur and Vive Vaval. As always, students will learn French from a French native speaker using our innovative three-step teaching method Listen. Absorb. Speak.™
So come join the fun – and start the year off with learning a new language!
#APSSmallBizSat starts early!
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Give the gift of French culture this holiday season. At Aux Petits Soins™, we offer French language classes for students of all ages – and serve as the hub for French culture appreciation in mid-Michigan.
We’re a language immersion program for babies, kids and adults that really works. We use an innovative language education system called Listen. Absorb. Speak.™, drawing on the latest theories of early childhood development and cutting-edge cognitive research on the brain’s ability to assimilate new language at any age.
Our everyday prices are already incredibly low, so we have very little flexibility to offer discounts at other times of the year. But this Small Business Saturday, we’re getting in on the fun and offering these specially discounted classes starting Monday, November 19 – including waiving our initial enrollment fees – to reach out to new students and fill our ever-expanding class schedule.
Children’s classes ($1 off per class per 12-week session):
Three levels of Explorers: 1 (ages 6-18 months), 2 (ages 18 months-3 years) and 3 (ages 3-5) – was $168, you pay $156*
Three levels of Travel Bugs: 1 (ages 5-7), 2 (ages 7-9) and 3 (ages 9-12) – was $210, you pay $198*
*$15 enrollment fee, covering cost of class materials, is waived as part of this special
Adult classes ($20 off per 12-week session):
Two levels of Ensemble: 12 weeks of French instruction for $280* (regular price: $300)
*$25 enrollment fee, covering cost of class materials, is waived as part of this special
We’ve already enabled a new generation of babies here in Lansing to embark on paths to being fully bilingual. We’ve also helped a small community of adults realize their lifelong dreams of learning French. Our two-prong approach allows us to tweak the old saying: The best time to learn a new language is when you’re a child; the second-best time is right now.
Offer only good for Winter Session: Jan. 7-March 31, 2019. Offer not to be combined with any other discount.
Derrière le miroir
From 1945 to 1982, the French magazine Derrière le miroir served as a virtual art exhibition for Galerie Maeght Paris, a prominent Paris art gallery that featured works by artists such as Henri Matisse and Marc Chagall. Publisher/gallery owner Aimé Maeght incorporated original works from these artists to complement the exhibits, and the resulting monthly magazine became a work of art in its own right.
The current exhibition at the Broad Art Museum incorporates covers and prints from the MSU Broad collection, shedding a light on this unique aspect of modern art history. It also effectively showcases how Maeght’s personal approach to working with artists challenged time-honored boundaries between dealers and artists.
Stay tuned for details with an exact date for the APS Adult Conversation Night. And don’t forget to check out the exhibit, which is on display now through May 12, 2019.
APS Winter schedule survey
Due to overwhelming demand, Aux Petits Soins will be adding new classes next session to accommodate new students. And because there are no more evening slots available for me to teach, I will be adding these new classes during morning/mid-day hours.
However, I want to pick times that work best for you, the student, so I created this survey to help gauge when would be the best time for everyone. I know you’re busy, so I kept it short, but there’s room for other suggestions if you’d like to let me know of anything else I could do to improve your French learning experience.
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