Fall survey 2018 Posted on December 2, 2018December 2, 2018 by Aux Petits Soins admin I) CLASS SYLLABUS Every Monday, I provide a list of the songs and the name of the book we read in class the previous week. I also create a playlist with the songs we sang. This is called the "online weekly syllabus" and it's available in the "Espace membre" of each student. Do you read this online weekly syllabus? alwayssometimesnever [group NEVER] Would you like a reminder? —Please choose an option—YESNO [group REMINDER_type] Please, indicate your prefer means of reminder: [/group] [/group] [group ALWAYS] Do you find all the information you are looking for ? —Please choose an option—YESNO [group ALWAYS_NO] What are you missing? [/group] [/group] II) PURPOSE OF EACH ACTIVITY Would you like to know the purpose of each activity? —Please choose an option—YESNO [group YES] What would you be the best way to share this information? (select multiple if it applies) • Weekly email• More detailed online weekly syllabus• Information written on the board• Other [group OTHER] [/group] [/group] III) BUILD A COMMUNITY Being part of a community is key for learning a language, I want to make sure that you can reach out to each other easily. What would be the best way for you to communicate? • Private Facebook group• Conversation forum via our website• Online directory with contact information of the parents of each student• Other [group OTHER2] [/group] Any other comment or feedback you would like to provide? —Please choose an option—YESNO [group YES2] [/group] IV) PARENT/ GUARDIAN INFORMATION Your name (required) Your contact info (required) Δ Share this:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Related