Today, I’d like to introduce you to the pain au chocolat (pah oh shock-oh-lah), also known as chocolatine in the southwest of France and in Quebec (or chocolate croissant in the U.S.). French people actually argue about the name of this delicious treat, but they all agree — the pain au chocolat is one of the best examples of viennoiseries (vee-yay nwah-zree), a type of pastry made with the same type of leavened butter dough as a croissant. However, pain au chocolat has a rectangular shape, and (the best part) it has chocolate in the center!

You can find this delicious viennoiserie at Chapelure in East Lansing’s Hannah Plaza or Breadsmith in Okemos. If you stop by this week, make sure to mention Aux Petits Soins to the baristas.
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