Aux Petits Soins fête Halloween! – Aux Petits Soins™

Aux Petits Soins fĂŞte Halloween!

Calling all ghosts, witches and werewolves — or should I say, calling all fantĂ´mes, sorcières et loup-garous. This Sunday, Aux Petits Soins will host its First Annual Halloween Party!

For two hours, we will transform Aux Petits Soins into a fun “haunted house,” complete with dry ice fog and spooky sound effects. There will be a craft table where kids can decorate their own pumpkins, a scary (but not too scary) Tunnel of Terror and more. Of course, we’ll incorporate French lessons into the fun, including learning French Halloween vocabulary words and some of the distinctive French Halloween traditions.

This event is designed for kids between the ages of 18 months and 12 years and is not limited to APS students. Space is limited to 20 kids, so make sure to reserve your tickets today. For details and more information, check out the event page on our website, or call (517) 999-7277.

French Halloween facts:

  • Celebrating Halloween is a relatively new concept in France, first appearing in the late 1990s.
  • At that time, public schools started promoting Halloween as an alternative to only focusing on religious holidays, as most French holidays revolve around Catholic traditions.
  • This new Halloween celebration quickly became a hit for kids, especially in small cities, as most kids from big cities travel during autumn break.
  • As in the United States, kids knock at doors to beg for candy, only in France their version of “trick or treat” is â€śdes friandises ou des bĂŞtises!” (“sweets or mischief!”)
  • Additionally, there is no couvre-feu (curfew) as all schools close for a couple weeks starting the third Friday of October.