Summer session – Aux Petits Soins™

Summer session



Please review Aux Petits Soins™ school policies (v2018-03) before enrolling.



SKU: WCSUM20FS Categories: ,


The Travel Bugs programs are designed for kids with no or little knowledge of the French language. In Travel Bugs I, kids are involved in creative activities and learn new vocabulary words that are useful for building simple sentences and having a basic conversation.



    I have read and agree with the Aux Petits Soins school policies.


    Full name (required)


    Are you a returning student?

    [group retstudent]

    Choose name of student:

    [group newstudent]

    How did you hear about Aux Petits Soins?


    Date of birth (required)


    Sex (required)




    Does your child have any allergy? (required)

    [group allergies]

    Describe your child's allergy:


    Does your child have any food restriction? (required)

    [group food-restriction]





    Aux Petits Soins, LLC is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. In that light, there may be occasion for media to feature Aux Petits Soins or we may need to do some photography/videography to market our company. If this happens, there is a possibility that your child’s image may appear on our website, on the TV news or in a newspaper. You can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement.

    Do you give Aux Petits Soins, LLC, its representatives and employees the permission to take pictures and/or video of your child? (required)


    Are you a returning student?



      Your Name (required)


      Your Email (required)


      Subject (required)


      Your Message