french holidays – Aux Petits Soins™

Bonne chandeleur!

For la Chandeleur, celebrated on February 2, we eat sweet and savory crĂŞpes and drink hard cider. This is one of my favorite holiday, because making crĂŞpe is easy and you put everything you can think of on it. You can read more about the origin of this French holiday in the Newsletter Vol2, Issue 1.

If you have a taste for crêpes, you can visit the breakfast/lunch crêperie in downtown Lansing, For crêpe sake or make our own following Gaëlle’s recipe. Both adult and kids will have a blast while cooking and eating.

Bonne Epiphanie 2016!

On the first Sunday of January, the French celebrate Epiphanie (Epiphany). On this occasion, we share a cake named galette des rois (Kings’ Cake), a pastry that has small charms baked inside. This pastry is also filled with frangipane, a cream made from sweet almonds, butter, eggs, and sugar.

I can’t wait to share this tradition with the members of Aux Petits Soins family on January 16 from 2-4 p.m. You will have to be kind because I will use local ingredients, therefore it will taste a little different. Nothing can replace the taste of real French butter!